Tryin' to get back, Back to the past, Samurai Jack
Woot, My first Review on Newgrounds! (Not interesting i know)
I found this game pretty awesome, Since ive been playing a lot of games on the Nintendo DS lately, and would Love to see this piece of kick ass brought out for it lol.
Reminded me of the awesome Samurai Jack series. Loved It!
The only problems i really encountered were:
The repetitive music (though it was still pretty cool).
The same characters used over (though thats understandable enough)
and during the last boss fight, i think my Samurai's underpants got caught on a Spear or something, because i was stuck to the floor running on the spot, and i wasn't taking damage. I couldn't complete the game and was forced to X out :(
Anyway, still not the most amazing game on NG, but worthy enough to make me write a review! 10/10 from Me. Bring on the NDS version! \o/